Organic Lawn Care Overall rating: 5 out of 5 based on 21 reviews.

Aeration and Over Seeding

Aeration and Over Seeding is one of the most important things a homeowner can do for his or her fescue lawn!  At Natural GREEN Lawns, we use the latest innovations in core aeration while running only our state-of-the-art equipment.

Core Aeration Benefits

  • Improves air exchange between the soil and atmosphere
  • Reduces soil compaction
  • Increases water uptake and retention
  • Enhances fertilizer uptake by allowing fertilizers to penetrate deeper
  • Promotes deeper root establishment for better heat and drought tolerance
  • Contributes to thatch breakdown

We recommend aeration and over seeding “cool season” grasses such as fescue in the fall.  We recommend aeration for “warm season” grasses such as Bermuda or Zoysia in the spring, after it comes out of dormancy.

When it comes to over seeding fescue, we use only the highest quality seed money can buy.  We never use the cheap contractors blend and certainly not the seed you get at the big box stores.  Our seed is guaranteed to be 100% weed-free with 0% filler.

If you have any questions about aeration and over seeding, please feel free to contact us!