Organic Lawn Care Overall rating: 5 out of 5 based on 21 reviews.

Our Two Organic Programs

The Foundation for a Great Lawn

The foundation for a great lawn is a rich soil, naturally teaming with microbial life. This microbial life supports deep, healthy root structures and naturally converts organic material into usable forms of nutrients.  We add over 100 pounds of organic matter directly to your soil annually.  Our products are rich in humates, mycorrhizae, carbohydrates, and trace minerals to promote deep root development.  Our products nourish the soil with billions of healthy microbes annually to create a healthy, vibrant ecosystem right in your own yard!  Think of it as a probiotic for your soil.  This creates naturally lush, green turf far superior and safer than a traditional chemically-treated lawn.  Its a lawn you’ll feel good about having your kids and pets playing on.

Natural GREEN Lawns has two flagship programs:

Transition to Organic

  • Our “Transition to Organic” program allows us to seamlessly transition a chemically-treated lawn to a healthy organic lawn.  Under this program we administer a finite amount of pre-emergent weed control, and do so in an environmentally responsible manner.  If needed, we’ll apply post-emergent weed controls but only as a spot application.  We never broadcast post-emergent weed control unless directed to by the customer.  The goal of this flagship program is to bring your soil back to life and foster the growth of a lush, thick lawn.  A thick blanket of grass naturally repels weed germination, and allows us to continually reduce and possibly eliminate the use of any weed controls.  It’s the best of both worlds!

Naturally Organic

  • Our “Naturally Organic” program is designed for those customers that are looking for a pure organic program.  Under this program we focus on bringing the soil back to life, and growing customers a thick blanket of grass that will naturally repel weeds.  We use only organic post-emergent weed control, as necessary, to reduce weeds that have already germinated.  Our organic weed control breaks down almost immediately, and causes no impact to the environment.  We do not employ any pre-emergent weed control under this program.


The “fast food” chemical spraying franchises apply an over-abundance of synthetic chemical fertilizers and dangerous by-products with every application.  This can lead to a toxic buildup in your own back yard!  Ultimately, 60%-90% of these chemicals end up simply washing away and polluting our water ways.  To make matters worse, each application ends up depleting the soil of its natural microbial population.  The grass essentially becomes addicted to these quick-fix, nitrogen snacks which encourage only top growth.  Roots never need to reach deep for nutrients and thus become  disease-prone and easily stressed from frost and summer heat.


Smart Families Choose Organic Lawn Care

There is no shortcut to a great-looking, vibrant, green lawn. It just takes a lot of hard work, discipline and a successful system that ensures your grass receives the organic matter and nutrients it needs.


At Natural GREEN Lawns, we know organic lawn care.




More About Our Organic Lawn Care Program

  • Our program begins with a soil sample analysis to create a truly customized organic lawn care treatment plan for your particular lawn.
  • We provide personalized one-on-one service to each of our organic lawn care customers.
  • Once established, a Natural GREEN Lawn has a sustainable, spongy soil that retains more water, allowing you to reduce irrigation usage by 50%-75%,  saving you money!
  • A healthy, organic-based lawn naturally repels unwanted backyard pests, reducing or eliminating the needs for dangerous insecticides.
  • Our Natural GREEN Lawns programs are price-competitive with the big chemical companies.  If you take into account reduced irrigation and less need for pesticides, it’s significantly cheaper!

So, Why Not Natural GREEN Lawns Organic Lawn Care?

Don’t let a big chemical-spraying companies continue to deplete your soil of nutrients and pollute our environment.  Contact Natural GREEN Lawns and we’ll describe our unique process, answer any questions you have, and help you understand how organic lawn care works. You, your family, your pets, and the environment will be glad you did!